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10 Game Reviews

8 w/ Responses

Review Request Club

Ahaha, love the opening title screen. Nice friendly graphic, there. :P
One thing I would say is that the yellow text of the instructions were pretty hard to read over the blue sky; they were fine in the title screen as they had a pretty thick black shadow, but not so much in the instructions. Anyway, onwards:

I think the difficulty ramp needs to be tinkered with. I love the fact that they fall at different speeds, that's a great dimension to have taken, but I pretty much got nowhere...fast xD

As always with these kind of games, it's the kind of thing that everyone with any sort of gaming history has played at least 4 times before, so you have a whole lot of wiggle room for development. Going the coffin-dodger route was pretty damn novel and the different falling speeds were good, but would get repetitive...or at least I'd imagine so, if my games lasted any longer than 40 seconds a time xD So maybe adding in different locales, maybe the odd powerup/powerdown or so, like having a larger blanket to bounce off or having a longer distance to travel...or as some people have said, the chance to upgrade in a shop to try and make things easier. You have a lot of scope to do a lot of things, and I think that while this is a solid game, you had a chance to go even crazier than coffin dodgers :P 'Tis a nice bit of addicting fun, though, I'm sure I'll be back once I've finished off a few more reviews. Game and Watch, FTW!

-Review Request Club

SantoNinoDeCebu responds:

Ah thank for pointing out the menu screen is hard to read, I totally didn't notice that after I lightened the background colour!
Ye the difficulty has been mentioned a few times and I'll definitely tweak it for my next lot of games.

Since a single game and watch game if fairly limited, I wouldn't really want to spend to long pimping only one up. Therefore, i intend to make a wee game involving a few of my favourite titles (thinking this, manhole, chef and that whack a mole one) and try weave them together in a little story mode. Not to sure how you can weave together this to cooking cakes in the kitchen though :p

Hopefully that would solve the ''gets old fast'', ''needs more variety''!

Cheers, J


Ahahahahaha xD Awesome.

In a very very very distant way, this sort of reminded me of :the game:. It's not meant to be hard, it's not meant to be groundbreaking. it's meant to be a set of simple games with lots of humour thrown in to make it interesting. It's just meant to be fun to play for the relative mindlessness of it. And this is what this is. But you have to feel sorry for how bad Nick's day just got :O

I mean, if it was just the games by themselves, you'd probably think "...yeah, this wasn't all that good", but with the...storyline...:P it had the funny aspect to it.

I ended up just buttonmashing for the airplane game. Tried clicking, but realised I was too lazy to work out the timing so I just put the mouse in line with the plain and kept clicking 'til the clouds were gone. The room ashamedly took me forever, because I instantly thought the water would be the solution...but no, Nick was apparently thirsty :P

Anyway. It is what it is! A fun little game, but with all the games working as they should, there weren't any programming or coding issues that I could see, and it'd definitely be fun to see what madness is gonna happen with the sequel :P

-Review Request Club

Fro responds:

The sequel will match both of the people who want gaming and humor. Thanks. :)

Review Request Club

A very odd twist on a pretty well-used game idea. There were a few flaws with this, but in general it's addicting-as-always and none of the things really stopped you from playing the game, which is good.

The heart-shapes being a bad thing was confusing, because the heart symbol is the pretty universal game symbol for health/life/good things, so it might be an idea to change at least that shape; even if you just had it as a red pill, and say 'red pills are bad', then that problem would be solved.

The animation was a little choppy, it kind of reminded me of the old Frogger games, except here instead of moving one space he seemed to move six or so, which was a little odd. And as has been said, having the mouse move a little more animatedly than it did would have been nice, though not totally necessary.

The music was fine, but I say again: Mute button! If there was one I couldn't see it, and it would have been really nice to have one ;D There was nothing wrong with the music, just the fact that you couldn't turn it off.

Given the pretty standard nature of the game, you have a lot of scope for changing it up and making it more unique. Have more levels, different powerups or bad items, maybe have the pills descend in a way that's not a straight line...because the gameplay is something most people are used to, it's a good chance to do something a little crazier...though an exploding mouse is quite crazy. Just add a little more to this, and it's a pretty solid effort.

-Review Request Club

MonoFlauta responds:

"The heart-shapes being a bad thing was confusing, because the heart symbol is the pretty universal game symbol for health/life/good things"

Yes but you said that :P is a health symbol and you needed to fuck your mouse :P

"The animation was a little choppy, it kind of reminded me of the old Frogger games"

Yes that one is the worst point it has i think -.-

"The music was fine, but I say again: Mute button!"

Haha i always forget adding that sorry :P

"Have more levels, different powerups or bad items, maybe have the pills descend in a way that's not a straight line...because the gameplay is something most people are used to, it's a good chance to do something a little crazier...though an exploding mouse is quite crazy. Just add a little more to this, and it's a pretty solid effort."

Thanks for reviewing! :P

Review Request Club

Simple game. Maddeningly addictive.
However, I think after the first few levels the game gets a little too simple; given the basic nature of the game, there's a definite scope for MASSIVE expansion.

One way would be increasing the distraction of the background; maybe changing the colours randomly, changing the visual illusion that makes up the background, even have random things moving from side to side in the background...because what you have to do to play is so "simple"...you can have a lot of fun trying to distract people.
Another would be increasing the difficulty level...you've got this simple loop to start with, and it doesn't seem to change; as the game progresses, you could maybe change the pattern people have to follow. Like, every five levels change the path, just to keep the game a little fresher.

The game lagged a tiny bit for me, but that's probably because I have several thousand tabs open, ahaha xD. But yeah, having some kind of quality button would be nice, just to make sure that doesn't become a problem.

Really great game; lots of room to expand this into something a lot bigger and more complex, but it's still addictive as it is, so kudos for that. Not much is addicting at 4:30 am, I'll tell you that much :P

-Review Request Club

Review Request Club

One thing this could have really really used was instructions. Although you kind of get the gameplay as you go along, having any amount of initial instructions would have been nice.
As well, a mute button. Mute buttons make your gameplayers very very happy, because sometimes no matter how awesome the music is they want to listen to their own stuff. And the music here, although nice, gets very repetitive quite fast. So mute button would be a simple and effective addition.

Superficials aside, I think you have the key elements of a game here, but it does need a fair bit of improvement. The strategy is very simple and manageable, but because it doesn't really evolve very far through the gave it gets quite repetitive. Just adding any kind of upgrades or different types of characters with strengths and weaknesses would have helped this a lot...or even a little more of a plotline? I guess that can come with a second part and the like, but as it is the gameplay and storyline left a little to be desired.

The drawings were okay, but perhaps could have used a little more detail or shading or just something extra to make them a little more artistic. In general, there's a lot of room to play around in to improve this, so it'll be interesting to see what comes with the second part.

-Review Request Club

MonoFlauta responds:

"One thing this could have really really used was instructions. Although you kind of get the gameplay as you go along, having any amount of initial instructions would have been nice."
Yes i need to add that to second part thanks for telling it to me :p
"As well, a mute button. Mute buttons make your gameplayers very very happy"
Yeah... thanks for telling me too, a lot of people are asking for it :P
"The strategy is very simple and manageable, but because it doesn't really evolve very far through the gave it gets quite repetitive. Just adding any kind of upgrades or different types of characters with strengths and weaknesses would have helped this a lot..."
There are a lot of characters :p but yes it will have especial attacks energy, and elements strenghts and weakness.
"I guess that can come with a second part and the like, but as it is the gameplay and storyline left a little to be desired."
Yes it will have more story :P thanks for asking for it haha
"The drawings were okay, but perhaps could have used a little more detail or shading or just something extra to make them a little more artistic."
The true is that i dont made them... but yeah for the second part will be better believe me :p
"In general, there's a lot of room to play around in to improve this, so it'll be interesting to see what comes with the second part."
Thanks i will tell in the review request club :p
"-Review Request Club"
Thanks for reviewing... you deserv points :p

Review Request Club

The graphics were okay and the sprites in general were well-drawn, though probably could have done with a little more animation when the characters were actually moving. The artwork could probably have been a little better but they're fine as they are and fit with the gameplay pretty well. Programming-wise, it got a little irritating that you HAD to stick to the path to get from one frame to the next if a path was there, and there are also two tiny glitches; once you've collected a coconut from a frame, every time you go BACK to that frame, the coconut will still be there for a second before disappearing again. Also, when you go into the houses it'll show you in the house, and then move into the little 'entering the house' transition. I probably explained that very badly. But anyway, both glitches are pretty negligible and don't mess with gameplay at all, I just thought I'd point them out for perfectionism's sake.

To be a grammar pedant for a second, in the opening scene where it says "And the statue has lost it's gem again", the 'it's' shouldn't have an apostrophe. That pickiness aside, the storyline is nicely done. I think a little more could have been made of the backstory, but I haven't seen your other two games so perhaps I'm just looking at it out of context. It's pretty simplistic, and that makes it easy to follow. Which can be a good thing, but I think you'd do yourself no harm if you made the storyline or gameplay a little trickier. Like, having to find pieces of the pencil-cutting machine or having to do more complex trades. Speaking of the pencil-cutting machine, the explanation of it's purpose could have done with being a little more subtle than "Ah, this machine looks like it can only cut pencils!"...but that being said, it's a pretty harmless thing and doesn't mess with the game any.

All in all, the game was incredibly simple. I think you'd add a lot more to this game if you hadn't made it so straightforward, but that being said, 'tis a merry little way to spend a few minutes of the day, definitely. Nicely done.

-Review Request Club

kcnh responds:

Thank you for your review, I will be sure to make the next game more complex.

Review Request Club

This was a fun game! Though to be fair I barely got anywhere because I kept managing to be on the wrong track when a train came a'coming. But it was fun, nonetheless.

Controls were nice, simple, easy to pick up; all very good things. Well-layed out instructions page, and the pregame-tutorial was a good touch (Although for some reason I only came across it on the second time of playing). In saying that, I think it moved a little too slowly. People don't need 15-20 seconds to take in each little control, so if there was a way to skip through parts of the tutorial or just speed it up in general that would have been nice.

The music was well chosen, fitted perfectly with the scene you were trying to set. The artwork I think is the best part about this; there's nothing really to fault about it and in general it's just a class higher than a fair few of the flash games you get around here, and compliments the game nicely.

The programming was also spot-on; no glitches that I could find, everything happens as it should and when it should and everything functions perfectly. Which again, is probably better than a fair bit of stuff on here. This is probably just due to my failings at the game, but I sometimes felt like the laying-out of the connectors was almost too random, and that I found myself stuck on a track with a train coming with nowhere possible to go as I'd already used my ghost power. But as I say, that could just be down to me not being very good. xD

Speaking of powerups, I think you should consider having them slowly regenerate and/or being able to pick powerups off the track once you've used them, because having them as one-shots does mean you have to use them a little more tactically, but can get a little irritating. That being said, I thought the difficulty gradient was nicely thought out and while the game did get harder, it did in a gradual way so you got used to the speed before it picked up again. All in all, a very polished piece here. A little room for improvement, perhaps, but as it stands it's one of those games you wouldn't mind playing for a good long while.

-Review Request Club

ProfessorFlash responds:

Problem with random is that it's random :). But I do have plenty of fail-saves there to make sure the tracks / obstacles spread out evenly, but sometimes even that isn't enough. That's why there's the two abilities to get you out of those sticky situations (the armored cart and the ghost cart).
Thanks for your thorough review :).

Alright, but definitely needs work.

I see you've said you're going to add a mute button; I strongly approve of this. I think you should probably always give your players an option to play without your choice of music, especially given the subject matter of this particular song.

The basis of this game is a simple one, and that's why with most variations of this game you get exactly that: Variation. Like Fro said, maybe think about having some specialised blocks, some power-ups, or at the very least, have different block arrangements than the same solid rectangular block Anything you can think of that means that progressing through the levels doesn't essentially mean playing the same level four times.

Also, the ball seems to respawn in the middle of the set of blocks. Might I suggest having it respawn BELOW the block line? Because at the moment it either knocks out the middle blocks for free and then goes on fine or just glitches quite badly because of it. And it might be something as simple as moving the respawn point away from the dead center of the screen.

The ball also goes immediately back into play once it's fallen off screen. Which is a pain if you don't happen to be in the dead center of the screen ready to get it. So maybe think about having the ball be re-released by a mouse click or some such thing, so at least the player has a chance of getting back into an easier position.

In general, I think you've got the basic game down alright. But given this game has a really well-known premise, and a simple one at that, it means you have the license to do more inventive and extreme things; that's what will make something like this stand out a little more. Think outside the box a little more, and this could improve greatly.

-Review Request Club

TheSongSalad responds:

Thanks for the reviews and suggestions man, I appriciate the review.


The four planes of gravity is a nice touch, takes a bit of time to get your head around it. So, if you're playing a game for want of a challenge, this would be one of those such games.

Cool game concept, though. Liking the morse code and the russian. xD

Not much to say...I like writing music, hoping to improve a lot on that front. I like reviewing things, as I'm far too opinionated not to. I'm amazingly awkward as a person. But all in all, I mean well. (:


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