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Review Request Club

0:08-The pad sound could have done with being louder, as the lead is quite sharp. The bass that comes in sounds pretty cool, though
0:47-By here I'm pretty conviced everything else APART from the lead needs to be brought up a little, just because the lead cuts through everything else and there's a lot of nuances behind it that I can't quite hear.
0:57ish-cool melodic transition. Loved the airy-sounding synth that supports the main melody here
1:25-Again, the change to piano. Always great with a song this length to see lengths being gone to to maintain variety and freshness, and there certainly are lots of elements in this
1:49-Nice transition back into the main theme; the lead synth seems to fit a lot better here now you've got those extra ambient sounds coming in and thickening the texture up a bit more
2:44-Awesome break into a more ambient section. Definitely know how to keep changing a song up whilst still making it sound new and interesting.
3:13-There's quite a quiet octave-y synth that comes in here that I really like, not much else to say on that point :P
3:39 again, cool transition back. Like I said, amount of transitions in this>life.
4:00-From here for about a minute you've got the main melody cycling through; generally you've set the song up well enough for this to work without much hassle, though I thought it was maybe a touch overdrawn
5:30-Really like the ending, how everything kind of peters out happily enough.

It is what it is. Awesome and varied.

-Review Request Club

DJ-Chilvan responds:

Thanks so much for the review! Yea=/ I totally understand about the lead, it was REALLY hard to EQ because it's basically the resonance from a saw wave with a low cutoff filter, so it's very hollow.
Yea, I love it when the bass comes in, that's my favorite part=P
I'm glad you liked my transitions. They take me a while to conceptualize because to me, they are one of the hardest parts of music structuralism.
Haha, yea, that octavey synth is probably one of my favorite reFX Nexus presets. After EQing it and modding it, it sounded amazing.
Thanks for the review, I'm really glad you enjoyed the song. It's probably one of my personal favs.

Review Request Club

0:00-Interesting start, the bass line seems somewhat quirky, and works well with the guitar.
0:08-Vocals are too quiet in relation to the instruments. But the lyrics sound pretty cool, might be an idea to put them in the a/c just so people have a chance to read through them.
0:24-Liked the guitar line here, the kind of half-bends you had on some of the notes sounded pretty cool.
1:06-The vocals and guitar seemed slightly out of sync in this little section
1:21-Liked the change in vocal feel here; the vocals in general are pretty clear, so it's not too difficult to work out the lyrics
1:46-"Just burn down that firewall", nice line. Also like the...string-type...sound?...that's come in, as well. [/descriptionfail]
The ending is alright, but seems a little abrupt

In general you've got a pretty alright song. Some EQ problems here and there, but it works well nonetheless.

-Review Request Club

NeverHundred responds:

I always have trouble with endings. I can rarely find the best conclusion for a song. Personally I thought this was one of my better outros, even if it is a fade-out.

As for the lyric clarity problem. That's pretty typical of my stuff as well. I guess I'm a terrible producer.

Review Request Club

0:00-Lol, awesome beginning lyrics. 'Nuff said.
0:25-Nice heavy guitars, think the drum was somewhat lacking in complexity but you had some nice beginning riffs melodically speaking.
0:46-I'm slightly deaf in my left ear so this could just be me, but the guitar melody here sounds wayyy too quiet, especially when it's sort-of-duelling with the lead
0:56-Nice volume of lead here, though the riff wasn't as good as it could have been, I think. Went into a cool rhythmic riff, though.
1:38ish-Did I mention I like the riffs? This one is possibly my favourite. In general I prefer this half of the track to the first, especially because...
1:46-...of this solo. THIS solo, I liked. Definitely had a lot of weight and attitude to it.
2:17-Cool riff towards the ending, I think it could maybe have been built up a little more, but works fine as it is.

You've got some good ideas, some pretty kickass lyrics in the a/c...just work on the solo parts a little more, maybe even try to find a vocalist on NG and you've got yourself a pretty hardcore song.

-Review Request Club

Jeffaro responds:

Thanks dude. I appreciate your comments. You have really boosted my ''Soling'' self esteem, I'm glad you liked the solo.

As for vocals, there will be vocals coming soon. I will PM you and all of the other guys who review the non vocal version when the new version is uploaded.

Review Request Club

0:00-Love the depth of the synth here, very atmospheric, and you can sense it's building into something due to the subtle increase in volume, allowing you to stretch this introduction for the length of time you do without it getting boring.
0:30-Cool piano melody, though it was perhaps a little louder than it needed to be.
0:55-Really nice bassy boom on the kick there; the other drums also sound cool, but I think
I definitely wouldn't have minded hearing the bass drum more than once, because it added a lot of atmosphere for the lower frequencies which aren't really catered for by most of the synths
1:22-Nice transition into the lead synth; the synth itself could have been picked out a little more, but it works as it is, especially with the piano entry at 1:51, but it works well as an effective support of the pad synths that have been going through the whole thing; if one thing's definitely important with a fixed chord progression, it's keeping up variety, which you do well.

Would definitely be interested to hear what a full remix would sound like, especially if this was just 20 minutes of work.

-Review Request Club

TeKNeTiC responds:

Thanks for the very detailed review, I'll definitely take what you said into account for the final version.

Review Request Club

Invariably this review will look incredibly tiny next to the epic constructive-crit might of Steph's...but a review's a review, so I hope this is helpful anyway. ;D

0:00-Really nice introduction. All the automations on the synths give this sense of evolution that's kind of alluded to in the title, and so the introduction is perhaps one of the highlights of the track for the sheer production value of it.
0:24-Guitar's cool when it comes in; feels a little weaker on the shorter notes, but still carries the lead melody well and settles this mellow feel to the track. The automated synths kind of take a backseat which is a bit of a shame, but the lead is nice enough for it not to be a problem.
0:58-Transition was nice and smooth, though theretofor this you've had pretty much the same drum beat, so could have used a change up to beef up the variety all that much more; drum beats are a pretty core thing, and changing naught but it can completely change the feel of a phrase, so I think you would have benefitted from changing it here, or perhaps later on.
Melodies are cool, but there's not one main theme, so to speak, that sticks out to you. Which is fine, but the track could be showcased a lot more if it had that hook. What you had worked and worked well, but could have been more phrase-oriented.
1:57-REALLY subtle transition to bring the lead guitar back into some precedence, really nice way to end the track.

If I was to say this was lacking anything, I'd say sectional variations. You have some lovely transitions, but they're relatively incremental. If you had a break into a newer, different-sounding section it would make the track pop out a lot more, giving it more colour. However as it stands, it's a pretty solid track with some nice sounds. THe kind of thing you could probably listen to for a good long while without complaint.

-Review Request Club

Syntrus responds:

Hey thanks for the review. Here is what I have to say. My song structure is a lot different then most persons. I don't shift my beats around a whole lot because I find that it interrupts the flow of my entire song, you gotta let it flow dude.Sectional variations do not exist, its not like there is a guide out there that says all music must have sectional variety! Variety is nice but I find that it only works on longer songs.

Glad you liked the track.


Review Request Club

0:00-Nice sounding guitar-riff. Was a little confused when bass came in, but it all fit together in a kinda quirky way. Set the song up as unique.
0:24-Wasn't expecting vocals, but it was a nice surprise (Might be an idea to post the lyrics in the AC, just so people can look through them if they have trouble understanding you).
The way the instruments worked around the vocals was really interesting; the drums kind of took the role a guitar normally would in supporting the vocals; given the vague pitchlessness of the vox, this works really well, especially with the kind of sporadic injections of bass, and later keyboard; they were quite abrupt and unexpected, but fit in with the texture well for it.
The chorus where you go into the more clean vocals was nice and generally in tune; some of the lines felt a little squashed and thus slightly out of time (such as "some sort of correction") but generally was well done.
1:26-Nice keyboard solo; wouldn't have minded it being longer to beef up the variety
1:45-Guitar and vocals clash slightly melodically; sometimes the vocals match the guitar note-for-note, and when it doesn't it gets a little muddy, at least to me and my speakers.
2:07-The slightlyclashy keyboard worked nicely, especially with the light harmonic change; again, wouldn't have minded seeing more of that for variation's sake.

The drums were perhaps the highlight in this, they were definitely thought out well. The lyrics you did have were quite interesting sounding and the delivery was cool in the way you spaced the lines out. Maybe think about varying the track a little more with longer solos or more harmony changes, but in general it's a pretty solid track. Keep it up.

-Review Request Club

NeverHundred responds:

Thanks for the review, it was very well constructed and organized. There are a lot of small things I could change to improve this track, but at the same time it's been so well received... I almost don't know what I can come up with to top this.

Review Request Club

0:11-Liked the string intro, sets up a nice atmosphere, but the synth that comes in here feels very weird. Could definitely use some delay on it to add atmosphere...or just a different synth...itlacks depth, which is definitely something you don't want from a lead synth.
0:25-Nice subtle introduction of the drums, love how they fade in. It's a very simple but highly effective way to give a lot of build. However...
0:35-COuld have been a WAY bigger climax than it was. You had a nice dark melody, well-chosen synth, frentic drum beat...but nothing to support that. Drums aren't enough to support that synth, you needed the strings or some ambience or pad synths just to flesh the texture out and give the synth something to sink into. As it stands it stands as a lost opportunity to have a really HUGE section here.
1:01-Abrupt transition, but what it's playing sounds alright enough. Lead could use some more delay, again...it's a quickanddirty way to add to the depth and atmosphere of the track, so it's always worth considering if the lead doesn't have much of a natural sustain.
1:26-Abrupt transition, again. The fact this is just a repetition also doesn't help, could have definitely changed it up a little, either melodically or with some new synths, etc...variety is the spice of life, as they say.
1:48-Drum solo was a nice idea, you had a nice set of ideas here, and the way you partially incorporated the synth worked well.
2:13-Abrupt trans, but almost works after the drum solo.

You've got a lot of good material here, but I think the transitions could do with being a lot smoother. If nothing else, look at that 0:35 section and think about adding more to it, because it has the easy potential to be a really epic section if you put more in it.

-Review Request Club

superuberinsaneausm responds:

THANKS!!! i really aprecciate the indepth review, sadly i wont improve on any of this because its the final :3, i really agree with evrything u said, this was sorta rushed cause theres alot of traffic on friday nights and i really dont got that many good vsts

Review Request Club

STEPHAN! I'm expecting very good things from this track, given the epicness that tends to be your little creations. ;D

0:04-Nice piano; quite fast paced and giving that upbeat feel from the get go. The cymbal cresc. intro I'm a little in two minds about; it has a cohesion with the one at 0:23, but felt a little odd as a way to start the track, in my head.
0:16-Cool change in harmony; was worried the entire theme would just be six seconds long and repeated over and over, so it's nice to see you still have a good grasp on melody.
0:25-Nice drum beat with the light strings in the background...however, the drums themselves felt a little flat, for me. You had a nice bit of cymbal work throughout, but the bass kick felt a little dull and the toms in general were quite lacking when they were around. Of course, toms are a sure fire way to make a track feel heavier, so maybe you made the right decision in keeping it cymbal-heavy. But definitely the insertion of toms in a few places would have helped beef up the variations a lot more.
0:45-Feels like you definitely could have done more with the transition, it ends quite sharply...but what it goes into is cool, so by 3 seconds after it you're forgiven. ;D
0:58-Nice entry of the strings, could have done with being a touch louder, but what it's playing is nice. piano and strings have that inherent quality of working together well.
1:16-When lower strings come in as well...those lower strings by 1:25 start muddying everything else up a bit; definitely look at those levels, because it is a little...weird? At least when I was listening to it I found these thick lower chords taking grander precedence over everything else, though that could just be me and my crappy hearing.
1:37-Nice repeat of theme, love the superhigh chords you have every so often just giving that extra feel of aspiration to the track. It also loops back to the start quite well, so more plus points for that.

What can I say. You certainly know what you're doing with this whole writing thing ;D Shame you're in a bit of a rut with just managing to churn WIPs out as opposed to fuller songs, but as WIPs go I certainly wouldn't mind NG being populated with a few more of this caliber. Keep it up, as always.

-Review Request Club

Step responds:

Haha I was doing the RRC update, and when I came to check this Audio request, it was only 2 minutes after you posted this review. If I came more than 2 minutes earlier it would have been less points for you xP.

"STEPHAN! I'm expecting very good things from this track, given the epicness that tends to be your little creations. ;D"

Thank you :D.

"0:04-Nice piano; quite fast paced and giving that upbeat feel from the get go. The cymbal cresc. intro I'm a little in two minds about; it has a cohesion with the one at 0:23, but felt a little odd as a way to start the track, in my head."

I tend to start a lot of my songs with a cymbal crescendo. It seems better than starting it immediately, but to each his own I suppose. Maybe I could make the cymbal crescendo a little shorter?

"0:16-Cool change in harmony; was worried the entire theme would just be six seconds long and repeated over and over, so it's nice to see you still have a good grasp on melody."

Great, thanks :).

"0:25-Nice drum beat with the light strings in the background...however, the drums themselves felt a little flat, for me."

Flat is exactly the word for them :(.

"You had a nice bit of cymbal work throughout, but the bass kick felt a little dull and the toms in general were quite lacking when they were around. Of course, toms are a sure fire way to make a track feel heavier, so maybe you made the right decision in keeping it cymbal-heavy. But definitely the insertion of toms in a few places would have helped beef up the variations a lot more."

I'm thinking of changing all drum samples except some of the cymbals and maybe the snare, and obviously making the drums less repetitive. I tend to naturally add drums to every song I do, and in this one I was unsure of what would fit, but I was adamant about adding drums, so I just HAD to add something :P. Still, I shouldn't keep to the mentality of every song needing drums.

"0:45-Feels like you definitely could have done more with the transition, it ends quite sharply"

Haha thanks for being the first person to actually agree with me about that transition. I'll probably try and make a more melodic and less abrupt transition.

"...but what it goes into is cool, so by 3 seconds after it you're forgiven. ;D"

Yay xD.

"0:58-Nice entry of the strings, could have done with being a touch louder, but what it's playing is nice. piano and strings have that inherent quality of working together well."

Louder, got it.

"1:16-When lower strings come in as well...those lower strings by 1:25 start muddying everything else up a bit; definitely look at those levels, because it is a little...weird? At least when I was listening to it I found these thick lower chords taking grander precedence over everything else, though that could just be me and my crappy hearing."

You, crappy hearing? I'm deaf from one ear. If there's anyone with crappy hearing it's me :P. I agree with you about it muddying up the mix although for some reason I like those heavy string chords :3.

"1:37-Nice repeat of theme, love the superhigh chords you have every so often just giving that extra feel of aspiration to the track. It also loops back to the start quite well, so more plus points for that."

Looping was unintentional, although that's cool I guess :P.

"What can I say. You certainly know what you're doing with this whole writing thing ;D Shame you're in a bit of a rut with just managing to churn WIPs out as opposed to fuller songs, but as WIPs go I certainly wouldn't mind NG being populated with a few more of this caliber. Keep it up, as always."

Well, as I said to sixflab, it's basically because I don't have time to finish songs, not because I can't figure out what to do with them, although I'll try and submit full songs more :P. Anyway, I'm really glad you think of me as a somewhat good musician, and thanks a LOT for the awesome review. Your reviews are definitely among the ones I look forward to the most when requesting to the RRC. THANKS AGAIN! :D

Not much to say...I like writing music, hoping to improve a lot on that front. I like reviewing things, as I'm far too opinionated not to. I'm amazingly awkward as a person. But all in all, I mean well. (:


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