Very melancholy
I like the melody; it's simple, but haunting.
There's something about the three chords at 0:16ish that really works well; makes it sound like everything's getting destroyed...the kinda sad music you'd hear in a movie where the sound of the storm itself is muted out and all you hear is this and all you see is he destruction it causes. Very emotion-evoking.
The second line of the melody at 0:46 is beautiful, simply beautiful.
The piano at around the 2 minute mark really does remind me of rain, and the three chords straight after it again really work well.
And hwat can be said about the harmonies leading up to the end...there are no words.
I love the little dissonances you add in...not to mention there's this motif that seems to go on through the whole thing, which is a feat in itself.
Really, really good work.