View Profile Animith

23 Movie Reviews

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Review Request Club

Again, as with your last piece...kind of averageish. Has the potential to be something bigger and better, but never really gives the illusion that it thinks it's anything more than it is; a bit of animation in the hopes of making a few people laugh. Random, but fit for purpose.

This did have promise, but the ending and the abruptness of it kind of got rid of any prospect of a more...wholesome (wrong word, kinda) flash...I think if you WANTED it to be more developed and pristine, you could accomplish it with a little more time and effort in the work, and could definitely make this a more original flash, you could definitely incorporate the KK in a more comfortable way then just slamming it basically into the original game and not much more...but at the same time, I also think that this is the kind of thing you want to do; not the best, but good enough. Not as polished as it could be, but polished enough for people to see the joke you're trying to create. It would be nice to see a little more detail go into these things, but as it stands, as long as you're happy with what you're doing, you're probably doing something right, right?

-Review Request Club

PantyWipe responds:

thanks dawgie!

Review Request Club

I think the humour was a little most on me. Yes, Pacman wakka-wakkas into a pill, there's a little bit of a drug-trip, but...I don't know, I think it stopped a little short of giving the humour enough time to develop. You could have explored a lot more the directions Pacman took the addiction, and maybe how the ghosts reacted to the addiction...in general, it was just a little short and not really in my taste for humour.

That aside, I thought the "realistic" pacman sounds were nice, the game layout was good...would have been better if it was a little larger, but it's not that big of an issue. It would have been nice to maybe have a little more play-room as far as sizings go, instead of everything being in the same front-on dimension of the entire game field, etc., but in general it was alright. Animation was a little choppy, but I guess even Pacman didn't have to be that smooth all the time. Especially if he turns into an addict :P

It was okay. Didn't wow me, but I didn't think it was overtly bad, either. Just didn't make me laugh, and so half the purpose of the flash is kind of gone.

-Review Request Club

PantyWipe responds:

Cool, but keep in mind this is a Kitty Krew flash.

Review Request Club

Awesome. Again, really great artwork, nice backgrounds, another development of the plotline...not really giving anything much away, but answering a few tiny questions. Enough for closure's sake, but nowhere near enough to make a person be able to stop here and think they'd seen enough of the story, especially given the rather massive present-time cliffhanger you put on in the previous episode. Though I am wondering just how you'll start wrapping this up, as (theoretically) you only have two more episodes left of this chapter to do...needless to say, I'm intrigued as to what's coming. So again...really great work. But now I have to be pedantic again, if only because your artwork and plot only leave room for the pedantic things to be criticised.

I agree with Coop that 'inevitable' would have been a better word choice, because...it's just far more foreboding. Both inevitable and eventual mean pretty much the same thing, but inevitable as a word feels a whole lot more like there's ABSOLUTELY no escaping it, and it's imminent, and it's coming right now. Eventual is more...lethargic? Like "Yeah, doom is coming...maybe. Could be a year or so still...". It's just semantics, but they're definitely a powerful tool at your disposal, and two words of exactly the same meanings can give off entirely different implications.

There were a few grammar errors, as before, but nowhere near the amount as last time. So I'm just going to eschew my pedanticism, list the ones I found and speak no more of it. :P
"Malik I have cancer I'm dying"=> "Malik I have cancer, I'm dying"
"the arms dealer sent us bits, & pieces" => "the arms dealer sent us bits & pieces"
"Malik, & I" => "Malik & I"

And speech bubble thing...was better than in the last episode. There was a definite sequence where one bubble came out JUST before the other, so your eye went to that one first and you just generally had more of a chance to get the conversation the right way around, but I think if you're going to continue with the animated speech, that gap between the two or more speech bubbles could maybe be extended even more, just to affirm the order of conversation.

So...yes. Still awesome, I'm still hooked, curious as to how you'll finish this chapter off...still a few slight things that could be improved, but they were vaguely negligible and were much improved since the last episode. Keep it up! And sorry again for the ramble. xD

-Review Request Club

Celx-Requin responds:

I'll try to spice up the spoken dialect from now on...
- Celx

Review Request Club

I was really looking forward to the next episode of this, so yay that I now get two to review! :P

Firstly, what I liked: Again, the artwork is really awesome. It feels even more maniacal than last time, which gives the panels an even more macabre and desperate twist to them; everything about them is just...unsettling. Which, given the genre you're working in, is a definite plus. I can't remember whether I mentioned this last time, but I love the format these episodes are in, the sort of pseudo-comic book style. It allows people to progress at their own speed (Great when you're trying to review it), and the static nature of it also just makes it even more creepy. Before I get onto the criticisms...know I really liked this. And some of the stuff I'm mentioning I'm mentioning because this would have been a 10 without.

The typos. Ahh, the typos were really irksome. Forgive me, I'm a little neurotic when it comes to grammar, and it's irritating to see that something as trivial and fixable as grammar/spelling isn't completely right. Here's the ones I picked up:

In the frame where his radio goes off, he says "This is important so I come by your office..."
Should be "This is important so I'll come by", or "so I will come by..."
When he's having the phonecall with Bateman, he says "I wan't $2000". Want has no apostrophe. Same thing two frames later.
"...And I have some pictures of a really f*cked up murder, you might be interested in"
There's no need for a comma, if you're going to put one in there it should be "...f*cked up murder, you might be interested in THEM"
In the frame starting "Things work differently here than they do in Duram...", there's about five typos alone.
First, unless you're talking about a fictional place, Durham is spelt thusly.
'Carrer suicide' should be 'career suicide'
"thier surviving kin", should be THEIR surviving kin.
"That need to bury a son, duaghter..." should be DAUGHTER
"regardless what they've done" should be regardless OF what they've done.
"Sad to see your one of them" should be YOU'RE one of them.
You're doing yourself a disservice on something that's completely remediable with a proof-read, and I think it's a shame because it's not as if you're lacking in the more complex realms of artwork or storyline.

That being said, I was in two minds about the speech bubbles being animated...I can't remember them being so last time and I'm not sure if it helps or detracts from the creepy feeling. That aside, the positioning of the speech bubbles and the way that, if two were on the screen, they both came up at once, didn't help. Half the time I read the wrong speech bubble first and got confused. Having them go left to right or right to left is fine, but just keeping it consistent throughout would be a major help, because it kept seeming to switch.

The plotline itself was fine; this lacked a lot of the action your former one did, although had a major cliffhanger right at the end...I think if anything, that could have been built up to even more than it was, but then again, that final frame is very ominous-looking and generally just...foreboding. Chilling. Awesome. Like I want a copy of that frame to keep as a picture, awesome.

All in all...great artwork, good storyline. Have quarrels with the speech bubble positions, irked about the typos, but yet again I find myself wanting to watch the next episode. Which I'm doing right now. Sorry for the ramblesome review. xD

-Review Request Club

Celx-Requin responds:

This was an excellent review, please see my response to Haggards review for my thoughts on the text.
Again I must state my admiration for your thoughtful, and useful reviews.

- Celx

Review Request Club

For a first submission, this shows a lot of promise. But at the same time, a lot of room for improvement.
The graphics in general were a little flawed at parts; during the fight scene the jock with the sleeveless jumper loses the shoulder strap, and the WFD guy loses the outline to his elbow. At the start, the background also looked somehow under-drawn, and the band-leader guy kind of jumped from being vaguely far away from Stanley to right next to him. Just a little flaw, but something that could be fixed with a second look.

The lip-sync was okay, but at the points where you had the close-up of anyone's face it was obvious that it was a little static on the animation side. However, the voices themselves were pretty good and the music/sound effects worked well...although the drums in the music you chose weren't exactly fast.

The animation again, was alright, but could have done with some improvement; when the jock does the chicken movement you can see the outline of his body stick out from his arms (Don't know how else to describe, sorry), and the nunchucks were very artificial for a weapon that's meant to be very fluid and dynamic.

In general, this has promise. I think as a first flash to NG this is better than most, but as has been said, there's places to improve. When you make another one, try and make the episode a little longer so the storyline's a little more fleshed out, and you could have yourself the making of a pretty good series; keep it up.

-Review Request Club

McAfee-Enterprises responds:

Hey Animith, thanks so much for your review and comments etc....I felt they were right and we hope to be able to do many of the things you suggested......The make it longer seems to be a common comment and I agree fully and again we really hope to in the next SpeedE episode.........For some background SpeedE started as the main character in level 5 of WFD The Game as seen and played at Worlds Fastest Gamer

Well after Addicting Games picked the game up WFD The Game produced well over 1.5 million plays in it's first 90 days and from those plays and the internet etc SpeedE started to take some legs and walk around.....:) So this is his first few steps if you will......

We really hope to make SpeedE into a series and do welcome any input or collaborative efforts/suggestion from any of you guys here on Newgrounds.......Again thanks so much and if anyone wants to help SpeedE takes a few more steps please let us know.......????

Review Request Club

The fact that the only bit of the characters that seems to move are the mouths is quite unnatural, and the lip syncing in general is off. In a way, it kind of contributed to the humour of the piece, but I still think there could have been a little more animation in general. Or if not animation, then a bit more detailing; the background's pretty plain and I could work out what the flashing lights were until the mention of the police. And couldn't work out for the life of me where the bullets were coming from because the guy seemed to be bleeding from his back but the holes seemed to be coming from the side...though I guess that's not very important. I think the simplicity of the animation helped you a little, but at the same time it could definitely have brought the entire thing up if there was a little more animation.

I think in general it was perhaps a little longer, but that might have been due to the lack of visual variation, so I found myself just sat listening to the dialogue. Though the dialogue itself was pretty funny. The lines about the 5cm, 'Uzbek language', the Romeo and Juliet, the wedding were all nicely delivered. The jokes later on kind of fell a little, but that probably had more to do with the fact they were a little more outside my humour and because the flash in general was dragging a little.

In short, the animation of this brought it down and the humour brought it up. I think even a little more visual movement would have helped improve this a LOT, because although the jokes in general are funny, the fact the screen is so static is a semi-major flaw. In general though, this has a lot of potential, so definitely keep at it.

-Review Request Club

MonoFlauta responds:

"The fact that the only bit of the characters that seems to move are the mouths is quite unnatural, and the lip syncing in general is off."
Yes that it was because i tryed to make it by as :p it would look more natural and better if i would did it by another way but i wanted to try it :p
"And couldn't work out for the life of me where the bullets were coming from because the guy seemed to be bleeding from his back but the holes seemed to be coming from the side"
The bullets where coming from a lots of places :P you couldnt see the ones that hit him in the back because they wherent in the stage :P a house has most of time 4 walls :P haha
"Though the dialogue itself was pretty funny. The lines about the 5cm, 'Uzbek language', the Romeo and Juliet, the wedding were all nicely delivered. The jokes later on kind of fell a little, but that probably had more to do with the fact they were a little more outside my humour and because the flash in general was dragging a little."
Haha thanks :p i wrothe them and yes maybe with a better animation they would be more funnier :p thanks a lot :P
"In short, the animation of this brought it down and the humour brought it up. I think even a little more visual movement would have helped improve this a LOT, because although the jokes in general are funny, the fact the screen is so static is a semi-major flaw. In general though, this has a lot of potential, so definitely keep at it."
Oks thanks a lot for the review :D

I can't tell whether I'm disgusted or amused.

...Somewhere between the two, I'm sure. Needless to say, given that poop jokes have been through the mills a few times, this is a pretty new -if somewhat disturbing- take on it.

The choice of music was spot-on. It was hard to be totally freaked out when you've got the Mario theme playing along merrily in the background. On that point, I love how Mario semi-randomly made an appearance in this. It's a small touch, but it's pretty effective for that.

The animation was pretty nicely done throughout, though there were some points in some of the characters where it was obvious that it was just the facial features moving and not the head itself...if that makes any sense. At some points it just looked a little more unnatural than it could have, but then again that didn't really do any major detriment to the flash in general.

Good artwork; some of the colours were a little off-kelter but I think that somehow ended up being of benefit to the piece as a whole; just gives it that extra bit of originality. Though I have to agree with some of the sentiments below that some of the drawings were a little creepy-the teeth and the granny especially.

Also, for a large part of the "commercial" it looked like the voice-over was coming from the picture of the dog, as that's where the guy kept looking. Maybe that was just me or there was some joke I missed there, but that seemed a little odd.

The voicing is good, although the final puke scene felt a little forced. With that scene as well, the puke animation looked a little unnatural and the way it ended up on the TV looked very much like you'd just drawn it on in front of the TV, instead of it actually being on the TV itself. The final warnings are a good ending, though having them sped-read would have been a nice extra touch.

All in all, though, this is a great flash. Which I almost described as "a solid work" until I realised the pun and my own bad sense of humour. Nicely done, congrats on the awards.
-Review Request Club

LOL, nicely done.

At first I thought about saying "you could have done with a few more people on the bus", but the fact that it's only the two of them there adds to the brilliantly awkward nature of the scene. I can totally relate to your author comments, I've often been the one other person on a bus or at a bus stop with a Sandwiches type person who really, REALLY doesn't seem to get you don't want to have a conversation about their pets or where they're going.

You can almost play back the conversation he's having with himself, trying to find any common ground between him and her, and when he finally gets to it you feel like to his mind it makes perfect sense, but to anyone else's they're either drawing a complete non sequitor or finding it incredibly offensive. Ahh, it's bad that I found that funny, but I did, the comic timing was spot on.

The parts that were animated were nicely drawn and really smooth; Sandwiches in general had a pretty faultless animation, although I think the Indian lady opposite him could have had a touch more movement to her. But the exchange between Sandwiches and the bus driver animationwise was pretty damn faultless (though perhaps a little too long in general), and again, the comic timing was right there. It IS one of those jokes that you're either get totally or have no real hope of getting at all, but it's a perfect example of a bus journey gone horribly wrong for this poor woman sat besides him, so very nicely done on that front.

-Review Request Club

Alright, but needs work.

I think I'm pretty much following in the same vein as the last three reviews; it's a good start, but there's a lot of room for improvement.

The movement of the characters is a little stiff, if you made their animation a little more fluid (even to just have them have a walking animation instead of have them slide from place to place) the movement scenes would look a lot more realistic.
The colours in general are pretty well chosen, though the brightness of the bushes in the first scene and the green monster were a little sore on the eye given the kind of earthy tones everything else had.
The voice was alright, though the sound quality was a little off, and the emotion of the voice didn't really change from scene to scene much. You also could have really benefited from other sounds, such as background ambience, a few more reaction sounds (bird noises, yelling, etc.) just to give the flash a little more dimension.

It's a fair start, but I think you could do a lot of small things to improve this in a big way.

-Review Request Club-

TheReturnOfTomsPulp responds:

Fuck you

Not much to say...I like writing music, hoping to improve a lot on that front. I like reviewing things, as I'm far too opinionated not to. I'm amazingly awkward as a person. But all in all, I mean well. (:


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