-Review Request Club
The opening synth was a little unorthodox, but in the mysterious kind of way that gives a kind of dark feel to the piece.
I think in relation to the synth, the drums are too sharp. I couldn't really tell whether I liked the sounds or not; in parts they seemed to fit well with what was going on, and in other parts they seemed to cut through everything. Though that being said, the kind of cymbal sound you had at 0:20 sounded pretty cool throughout (if perhaps a little too loud in places).
The introduction itself felt a little random in part, but is probably the strongest part of the track. Up to 0:40 is pretty alright, though there were a few parts I didn't quite 'get', so to speak. The kind of 'boom' sound at 00:45 sounded cool, but felt a little out of context; like there hadn't been enough of a bass sound before that to make it feel like a more natural addition.
While the beat's good to start with, but 0:55 it definitely starts feeling way too repetitive, and the synth that comes in at 1:04 adds some variety, but in itself felt out of place, like the one at :45. It feels like there's potential for this track to make more sense, but that it needs more added to it, and definitely needs more of a buildup and more variation to it, especially seeming as it's only 90 seconds long. Again, the ending was cool, but felt out of place. I think you probably need a few more synths in there, work on smoothing out the transitions and additions of sounds a little more, and in general just vary it a little more; make it feel like the tracks moving somewhere, as opposed to just kinda standing in the same space. Don't be afraid to move into some new territory once the beat's been established, because this does have the potential to be good.
-Review Request Club