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-Review Request Club

I would strongly encourage you to cut out the start (The section with the choir pad) completely. Just get rid of that bit and start with the synths at 00:10 at the beginning. Simply because the choir pad...doesn't really fit. Doesn't fit at the start, and doesn't realllly seem to hold any comfortable relation with the other synths when it comes back in again later on in the track. I think the track would be better without it, especially at the introduction.
The more robotic voice (Now build up slowly/you have just witnessed the power...) was also a little unnecessary and kind of detracted from the piece.

The synth at 00:39 and the melody that goes with it is cool, and kind of helps hold the piece together, and it has the little echoes near the end which are a nice touch. The drums also have a nice beat and even changes up at 1:32 to try and help it not get too repetitive.

I think one thing this is definitely lacking, though, is a more prominent bass. You've got the drum down and it's doing well, but the bass feels a little nonexistent. If you just had an extra bass synth in there I think it'd help out a lot, and also offer a chance of changing this up a little more, as it kind of stays pretty much in the same place through the whole two minutes. It's a pretty good idea and has potential. Stick a more obvious bass in there and you'll be pretty much set.

-Review Request Club

jpgregorio responds:

thanks, i'll try to do that

-Review Request Club

The percussion in this was definitely the best part of the piece; it really helped set the atmosphere perfectly from the get-go. That being said, I almost wish there was a little more variation in them as it sounds like you've used the same sound throughout and just changed the velocity a little bit, which get to be a bit repetitive in the parts where there's not much else to focus on. But in general they're a great choice and the sound in them were excellent.

The instruments apart from that were also pretty cool; the flute gave this air of desolation while the trombone (I'm guessing?) gave that hint of an aggression that may be coming or may have passed. Wasn't a big fan of the choir pad as a sound, but the notes they were playing sounded pretty awesome. The cut-out of the drums at 1:15-1:20 felt like it needed something more than the choir there just to give it a little more texture, or failing that it needed to last a little longer, just to let the absence of the drums be felt a little more.

You build up the emotion well, but by the end I'm left wanting there to have been more of a swell in the middle or by the end, because it kind of stays at the same melancholic level. Which works, definitely, but definitely leaves a little more room for development if you ever thought about making this a little longer.

It's pretty beautiful, but I think there's definite potential for it to have been even more so.

-Review Request Club

Cimba responds:

Thank you for reveiwing, maybe i'll get around to adding on to this.

-Review Request Club

The opening synth was a little unorthodox, but in the mysterious kind of way that gives a kind of dark feel to the piece.
I think in relation to the synth, the drums are too sharp. I couldn't really tell whether I liked the sounds or not; in parts they seemed to fit well with what was going on, and in other parts they seemed to cut through everything. Though that being said, the kind of cymbal sound you had at 0:20 sounded pretty cool throughout (if perhaps a little too loud in places).

The introduction itself felt a little random in part, but is probably the strongest part of the track. Up to 0:40 is pretty alright, though there were a few parts I didn't quite 'get', so to speak. The kind of 'boom' sound at 00:45 sounded cool, but felt a little out of context; like there hadn't been enough of a bass sound before that to make it feel like a more natural addition.

While the beat's good to start with, but 0:55 it definitely starts feeling way too repetitive, and the synth that comes in at 1:04 adds some variety, but in itself felt out of place, like the one at :45. It feels like there's potential for this track to make more sense, but that it needs more added to it, and definitely needs more of a buildup and more variation to it, especially seeming as it's only 90 seconds long. Again, the ending was cool, but felt out of place. I think you probably need a few more synths in there, work on smoothing out the transitions and additions of sounds a little more, and in general just vary it a little more; make it feel like the tracks moving somewhere, as opposed to just kinda standing in the same space. Don't be afraid to move into some new territory once the beat's been established, because this does have the potential to be good.

-Review Request Club

Decibel responds:

I appreciate your feedback and will get to work as soon as possible!

Fit for purpose

I think the highlight of this is probably the use of the vocals; while it does get a little repetitive after a while the main sound is pretty unique and the parts where there's two vox lines together work surprisingly well given their out-of-syncness with one another. it's got a good industrial/mechanical feel throughout and the fast pace throughout keeps a sense of interest, even if listening to it passively, as you do with background music generally.

The choice of main synths in general is pretty well done, although some of them could use a second look. There's some kind of synth that sounds like it comes in with the drums at 0:19 which I can't quite hear well enough to hear fully, and the synth that plays at 3:21 and a few other places has a melody that doesn't really fit nicely to what's going on with it.

The ending was good, but I was kind of half-expecting the beat to continue and loop straight back to the beginning, rather than fading out at the end. Although, either thing would work. In general, even though it IS a loop, it's meant to be background music and so the leeway for repetition is pretty huge, that this track could have done with being a little shorter, I think you could have still maintained the track and had all the material you have here still get it's play time if instead of 6 minutes, it was 3 or 4. Though that being said, as far as background music goes this does exactly what it's meant to; give the listener a decent sound to listen to whilst being more engaged in something else. However, in general the piece is pretty solid and the synths work really well together.

-Review Request Club

EvilScorpio responds:

Thanks) I'm glad it's good as BGM)))

Good, but could use some work.

The intro does seem a little out of place, especially at 0:06-0:12 going into the main section; the hi hat just seems odd and it felt like you were just trying to find any way to get to the main part. It just about works, but it could use a second look just to get that transition a little smoother.
The section after that, however, is good. I like the switches between the two synths, the contrasts between them when they were together worked well, and the levels were such that neither really overpowered the other. I like the really subtle percussion during it as well, because it's nice and quiet, but loud enough to make a difference and be heard in the track.

The introduction of the voices was cool, but it perhaps would have made a little more sense if there was one or two sound effects before in the track, just to link it a little better together. And the lower synth doing a sort of harmony around 1:08 could have been brought out a little more, because what it was playing sounded good. The slowdown at the end is a nice touch, but I think it went on for waaay too long given that it was just the theme on the one synth being done on a loop. If you'd added in another synth for variety or just shortened the length of the slowdown, I think it'd have worked fine. But 20+ sec of the same thing feels a little overdone quite quickly. But in general, this is a pretty good effort.

-Review Request Club

jpgregorio responds:

lol yeah that outro was long,but thanks for the review.

Cool synths

Intro's a little on the long side, but in general it sets the scene really well. I like the imitation radar sounds and the general; couldn't tell what the voice was saying, but it didn't feel like I was meant to, and they're a nice touch in general, just adding to that submarine environment. The change in pitch of the radar 'blip' was a little unexpected, and by the time it changes into the kind of melody line at 0:25 I think it needs to be brought out into the front a little more, especially as the other synth is pretty much completely in the foreground. The introduction of the drums is really nice, the drum sound in general was spot-on.

The melody at 0:58 is nice, I also like the bass line; how it's subtle, but still pronounced enough to give the melody some support. It adds to that vaguely potentially-ominous feeling pretty well. The synth you bring in at 1:19ish evolves really nicely and is a good sound in general, but I think the highlight of the track is the synth at 1:37; it's got a really nice timbre to it and all the slides/modulation that's in it works well. The way it slides all the way down when everything cuts out works well to smooth the transition.
The bass after the cut-out at 2:02 is a bit too quiet and I think the drums maybe come in a little too loudly, but that besides the track ends well. Good ambience, nice sounds, overall a nicely crafted track.

-Review Request Club

ChampionAnwar responds:

Hey thanks, the voices were distorted so you could only hear their presence. . I never really considered the intro really long, but maybe it's because I've heard it quite a lot :P Also, I'll look into the blip thingy, I kinda like that idea.

Glad you liked the drums, I think I like them now hehehehe.

Maybe I should look at the ending bit. though I do see where you are comming from about the bass :D. . Thanks for the review. . has been taknen into account ^^.

Cool intro.

Was expecting the drums to come in a little stronger than they did because of it, but on it's own it's a pretty unique way to open the piece. The drums themselves sounded a little muffled to start with- while this isn't so much of a problem when the synths start coming in at the start they could have used a bit more brightness to them.

The first synth is cool, it's got a nice evolution to it, but when it starts fading out I would have said it needed something more to it at 0:44, but then the next synth comes in at 0:48 and that's forgotten. But for those 4 seconds in between it feels like it's almost lacking something as the synth starts getting pretty quiet. In the same way with the second synth, it's cool but when it starts fading out again it could use something new, but that something new comes in a second or two later.

The synth at 1:26 is pretty cool, I like how it's more incidental than some of the others and so gives a nice bit of colour. It could just be my headphones, but at 1:37 I kept thinking there could have been a lot more bass. In general the bass could probably have been brought up a lot more (But as I say, that could just be my headphones cutting off the low freqs)

The main synth gets a little repetitive after a while, even with all the little changes to the other sounds and the incidental synths added in. That being said, the entry of the vox at 2:02 is cool. I can't quite tell what it's saying, even when everything else cuts out, though I'm not sure if I'm meant to be able to or not. The cut out down to just to vox is cool in itself, though.

2:28 could have used being a little more melodic as you've just kind of got this half-pitched phased sound for melody, though the synth kind of makes up for that. 2:43-2:45 sounds a little bare, but I like the synth that comes in after that. However, I didn't get the synth at 2:57 at all. It sounded like it clicked and clipped half the time, and in general just sounded really off? You may want to take a second look at that one.

All in all, the transitions were cool, the levels were nicely done and with the exception of the final synth there's nothing major I could say to fault this. Nicely done.

-Review Request Club

KaoticAlchemist responds:

Just... Wow...
This review is a MASSIVE help! I'm glad to have all of the small flaws pointed out so that I may not make the same mistakes again! ^_^
This was my first song I've ever made and I did notice some awkwardness in it, but could never tell why... Lol
I'll definitly keep this in mind when I mix in the future! Thanks a lot for this!

Almost can't believe this wasn't live.

First and foremost; serious kudos for the remastering. I would have definitely thought you'd played this live, given the dimension of feeling that you seldom get from things on here that use a computerised piano sound. This doesn't sound computerised, which is a serious plus. However, I think the piano feels a little too distant. In a way it kind of adds to the ambience, but I think the main sound does need to be in the foreground a little more as sometimes the reverb overpowers the actual notes. Which is a shame, because this is a beautiful piece. Seriously beautiful piece.

The harmony and choice of chords works really well, I love the little pauses throughout like the one at 0:13, and the transitions between the different sections in general. The change at 0:41 to the higher notes was cool, although the right hand probably could have done something other than straight quavers just to give the melody line more of a lyrical feel. But the way it transitions between the higher and lower parts around 0:41 onwards is really well done, the subtle harmony change at 0:59 is pretty cool. At 1:09 the higher notes are a little hard to hear, but what they're playing is nice. 1:16-1:21 sounds especially nice, the little change to the higher notes works really well.

It starts sounding a little muddy in the little area around 1:49, I think lessening the sustain there could have helped. The transition into the new section is cool, but I think the left hand in the new section could have been a lot more invested than it was just doing open 5ths, because the right hand sounded really awesome but it wasn't really accompanied with the same coolness.

The definite highlight of this piece for me was the section that started at 2:36. The change in pace, the new harmonies, the movement in the left hand all just gave it an entire new feel, and the melody felt like it had settled in a lot more. The kind of melodic left hand at 2:36 to 2:49 is cool, but the reverb is too much to be able to hear what's going on from 2:58-2:04 or so, which is a SHAME, because it sounded like it might have sounded pretty awesome.

The return to the kind of structure it had at the beginning at 3:09 was a little unexpected, but the new right hand melody sounded really nice. In general, the ending is just as good as all that precedes it, though the left hand from 3:30 onwards needed to be a little quieter, and I think it was definitely a little too strong at the end.

In general, this piece has a seriously beautiful melancholy to it. I think the reverb needs checking at some points, but in all this was awesome to listen to. Very nicely done.

-Review Request Club

Cimba responds:

I wasn't really able to do anything special with the left hand because i wrote this on an actual piano, and being a 14 year old that has never taken a piano lesson I can't really do much with my left hand.

Nice EQ work.

Starts off well, the synths work together and the levels are good. I especially like the little change at 0:16 and the suspension around 0:20; the melody/harmony in general being nice and precise. The subtle way the drum kit came in was a really nice touch as well; great work on the levels, there. Though at around 0:38 it felt a little muddy as the reverb on the drums started getting as loud as the synth, etc., but apart from that the start in general was good.

Taking a bit if a guess, I'm thinking you split the cymbals so the crash/ride were on the left hand side and the hi-hat was on the right. Which would have worked a little better if the cymbal had more of a role to play during that section, I'm pretty sure. But as it stands it does sound a little odd to have it all on one side.

I'm not entirely sure about the choice of synth at 1:22, it sounds a little odd. ut that besides, the melody it's playing is pretty cool. At 1:42 I think there's a few too many notes and it sounds a little muddy and rushed, but only for a second. But the section it leads into is very nicely done. I like the change of rhythm in the hi-hat straight off, the synth that comes in at 2:13 and the way it keeps evolving in sounds. The entire buildup of this minute just sounds very well put-together, and works well.

The way the drums cut out at 2:42 just leaving the synth is good, but the harmony changes at 2:49 feel a little forced. The chromaticism is cool, but it feels like you just put the notes in without much thought as to how jerky it could sound. Though that being said, again you have a very cool bit come in straight after, so the chromatic bit is all but forgotten. Again, you've got a really nice buildup, and then the drums come back in well at 3:42ish and there's a good 30 seconds of awesomeness. The cymbal was perhaps a little excessive near the end, though that might be just because of the part where the same cymbal sound is being used three times quickly in a row. The fadeout's a little long, but it works well. In general, apart from a few issues, this sounds really cool.

-Review Request Club

Birdinator99 responds:

Thanks for the detailed review!

Ya, there are definitely issues with the drums, but I'm glad you enjoyed it for the most part.

"30 seconds of awesomeness", huh? I like the sound of that.

Pretty cool

As a whole, I like this piece. There's a great sense of melancholy that's upheld through most of the piece, but yet with a few touches of major keys and slightly brighter areas. I like the title/the way you describe the piece in the comments as well, it really helps set the scene in a pretty accurate way.

Though that being said, some of your progressions are a little too much for me. Some of them sound totally brilliant, but some sound a little like the same chord was being held for too long under the constantly-morphing melody line. Like, 0:16-0:22 feels like there's a note or two out of place for whichever chord you were leaning towards, but 0:40 to 0:54 sounds totally superb. And it kind of follows that pattern; there's nice long bits of awesomeness sandwiching a few seconds of what seem like slightly awkward harmonies. 0:54-:58 sounds awkward, 1:40-2:10 sounds cool; 2:10-2:16 sounds awkward, 2:40 to the end is really beautiful. I'm almost tempted to say "Disregard this, it's probably just me", because even though there were a few parts I didn't really get musically, the majority of the piece flowed really well and progressed in unexpected, ye awesome ways.

And I think in general the recording could have been turned up a little and some of the notes could have been more sustained than they were. But all in all, the melody was really clear and unique, the progressions-while some were lost on me-were also unique and often pretty awesome, and this piece was well worth listening to a few times over. 10'd, 5'd.

-Review Request Club

Calamaistr responds:

I started the chord in 16-22 early, i do that often in my music :)
54-58 is a good example of the simple melody going into complex melody on 1:10
2:10 to 2:16 is just a kind of alternate transition i like to make when i reach a point asking for one, i hate going for the conventional options. I think its what makes (atleast for my own ears) the music stay fresh, suprising.

I thank you for your elaborate review, ive also listened to your work a bit and you being in the classical scene yourself makes your review the kinder.
So thanks again and check back sometime, i have plenty of piano works similar to this one's style and some orchestral works aswell.

Greets. -Cal

Not much to say...I like writing music, hoping to improve a lot on that front. I like reviewing things, as I'm far too opinionated not to. I'm amazingly awkward as a person. But all in all, I mean well. (:


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