Nicely done.
I like the start, it's got a quiet, but epic feel to it. I think the feeling of distance you get with the choir sound is pretty cool, but that it needs to be a touch louder in general just so it's a little easier to pick the notes up.
The drums at 0:50 are pretty cool, I like the subtle change of pace there, as well.
The piano in general is easily the best part of the first half; the melody's pretty melancholy, but you get the odd glimpse of major chords which just lift the mood of the piece up a little, in a pretty awesome way.
The change of timing at 1:24 vaguely confused me the first time, as with no reference other than the piano chords it was a little hard to guess when the next notes were coming. I can't tell whether that's a good thing or a bad thing, I guess you'll have to judge for yourself. :P
1:38, I think the bass could definitely use being turned up a little louder. When the guitar comes in, the feedback at 1:49-1:52 made me think it would come in a lot stronger than it did, so it felt a little anticlimactic. Though that being said, I think the guitar overpowers the piano a little too much. What both parts are playing is certifiably awesome, I hasten to add, but I think it could be a little more equal, level-wise.
The transition at 2:26, while a little abrupt, is pretty cool and ends the piece in a nice way. My one peeve about the end is the final chord of the chimes, I think it's a little heavy handed for an ending; even if you arpeggiated it a little I think it'd be noticeably better. But in general, this is a pretty awesome piece. Definitely think about collaborating more, eh?
-Review Request Club