Review Request Club
..Yeah, definitely for artificial guitar, this is a better-than average sound, and you definitely use it well throughout. It does sound a little computerised at points, but never so much so that it gets irritating.
The song itself is nicely done; the drum beat is simple, but works well with the other instruments and gives it that heavy grounding against the lighter guitars, and the keyboard sounds give it that extra depth. It's structurally pretty solid, though you maybe could have had a little more variety chordally; it seemed to be based on the same three or so chords throughout, and though it's used well between the different guitar and keyboard sounds, it does start to feel a little repetitive by the end. If you just went onto another set of chords or another riff at some point in the son before going back to the main chorus theme, it'd probably be fine.
This is a good track, but there's definite wiggle room there for expansion and improvement. Nicely done in general, though. Shows good potential, and great execution given the sounds you had to work with.
-Review Request Club