Review Request Club
I always get worried before even pressing the play button about songs that exceed 4 minutes in length. Just because they have a wonderful tendency of getting very very repetitive, or accomplishing something that could have been done just as well in half the time. You don't have the problem of repetition, by any means, but there's still a few parts of this that I think could be improved.
The first two synths are nicely done; the first gives you the kind of rhythmic and harmonic element while the arpeggiating one gives more of a melodic feel. The two kind of go slightly in-and-out of sync with eachother; they never really reach a total synergy, which I guess is both a good and bad thing. But just when I was about to say it was getting repetitive, the entire thing changes at :38 and you get some new sounds coming in.
The light phase on the cymbals is a nice touch, although slightly overpowering of the synth beneath it. TO be blunt, the scratch was unnecessary, it just kind of messed with the flow a lot. And just in general, the section from around 1-1:40 had some odd points at which synths came in and out for the briefest of moments; not entirely noticeable, but still a little odd.
THe third transition from 1:40-2:10 needs a second look, I think; the lead synth has a very bright sound to it and it cuts through everything else in a way that gets hard to listen to for 30 seconds. That being said, the section after it is very nicely done; I especially like how the bass has a more prominent role, and how it kind of mixes more and omre with the beat as you get past the 3rd minute. The synth that comes in at 3:20 feels unrelated harmonically with the bass to start with, and then as the next synth comes along late into 3:40ish again, the bass feels a little odd.
At 4:21, I thought the track had finished. And in a way, I think it could have finished there and the bit that followed been a new track, because there's no real correlation between that and what comes before, and a 4 minute/2 minute pair of tracks is a lot easier to listen to than a 6 minute one, especially if you're like me and don't listen to D&B all that much :P
As a whole, this piece has got a LOT of variety. Cannot fault you for this being repetitive, because it never is. I think your somewhat unique problem for an NG track is that there's too MUCH variety; apart from the break at 5:37 into the sounds that had appeared earlier in the track there's not much cohesion between the different sections and sometimes it is just downright abrupt. If you shortened this a little, made the sections relate a little more to eachother I think it would be a massive improvement to this track. Because you've got everything here to make a good track; variety, nice synths, good melodies, a good drum beat and the odd bit of automation, but the transitions are lacking, and it's probably the only thing that's holding you back in a major way. Find a way to link the sections more and this track'd be even better. Finally, sorry for the ramblesome comment :P
-Review Request Club