Review Request Club
The start of it is very interesting, though the cohesion that starts seeping through by 0:20 gets a little distracted by some of the other synths, such as the one that slides up the scale a little (heard at 0:50 and a lot of times besides), and the drum beat in general. It's a good beat, and the drum sounds are nice with a level that means it doesn't grate at all, but it seems a little unrelated? I don't know.
As well as that, the main harmonic synth as well just felt a Like, it was ALMOST tonal, but not totally there, and it kind of bridged an awkward gap between vaguely-ethereal and unsettling, and it was something which the other synths didn't really help resolve all that much. On its own, there's a but of a quirky peace to it...when you've got the drum and bass added in as well, the entire image the track's projecting just seems a little confused.
There's a lot of good sounds throughout, but I think they never really came together in a totally cohesive way...maybe if the track was longer, and you had more time to explore the possibilities of the synths instead of just essentially repeating the same things, this would be remedied, but as it is I'm left just a little confused as to what your intentions were for this piece. If you were going for a kind of unsettling creepishness, I think that's accomplished, but in general it could use editing just to give that mood more of a confirmation in the piece.
-Review Request Club