Review Request Club
Initially, the synth at 0:11 doesn't seem very harmonically related to the plucked note, but by 0:24 when the second synth comes in, I easily see where it slots in, so it wasn't that big of a deal. I was kind of ambivalent about the first 40 seconds or so...but when the harpsichord comes in at 0:38, it signalled a really nice change, and the instrument choice made it one you really seldom see for this genre. To the point where I'd really suggest taking a second look at that introduction, because it does no justice to the second section. Maybe even going as far as cutting it out completely, and just starting with the harpsichord.
The next minute or so holds no real criticisms for me; all the synths are nicely chosen and EQd well, the distorted guitar (Or at least, what I'm guessing is a guitar :P) sound is a really nice addition, and the kind of...I don't know how to say it, apart from "organised chaos" at 1:24 where everything starts falling out chromatically, but in a meticulously organised way, was a really awesome transition to go back to the harpsichord with. If I wanted to be utterly pretentious, I could say it was signifying an unravelling of modern technology back to a kind of 'basic' of music in the baroquian instrument...but that probably just makes me sound like a git, ahahaha xD
The transition at around 2:00 where it just moves into silence was also well done, though perhaps a touch overdrawn insofar as lasting a little too long; you don't really want to throw the music up in the air so much that it starts to lose the pace, if that makes any sense. But the silence in general, was good. Just IN general, this was good. Really nice mix of genres, spot-on levels and EQing, I think the intro could use a second look but as a whole this piece was pretty nicely polished.
-Review Request Club