Review Request Club
When I first looked at this, I was worried at the length. Not that I dislike all long songs (Tool fan, some of their tracks are 8 minutes plus, aha xD), but I find a lot of them can fall into a trap of being too repetitive. Especially when I read that this was originally two songs you edited into one. After listening to the whole thing I'm left wondering whether it would have been better off left as two songs. They compliment eachother well and the editing of them together is quite smooth, but I think having them as a 4-minute song and a 3-minute song might be a little easier to deal with, in listening terms. But anyway, on to the actual song.
Nice start, whatever you did to the drums is really cool, they compliment the synth well. I kind of wish they didn't fade out so quickly, just so they could have been used a little more as a support. The synth in itself though was nicely implemented, had a nice fast-paced melody and it had a nice evolution to it. The bass that comes in at 0:34 is also cool, though you kinda do start to really feel the lack of the drum sound by that point. I don't know what to make of the synth that comes in at sounds cool? What I can hear of it, anyway-it kinda needs to be brought a little more in the foreground so it's a little clearer, because it does sound like its a nice addition.
1:14 is yet another nice synth...the synths in general throughout have a really good quality to them come in and out well, though at 1:20 it's left feeling a little absent as one thing fades in and another fades out, and by 1:30 it feels in need of another synth just to flesh it out a little. The gated melody is a nice touch but it leaves the section feeling a little absent of some of the warmer synths that preceded it.
The going's on at 3:00ish feel way too crowded. One of those synths needs to be brought out a little more just to have some kind of point of focus instead of this mass of synths that sound kinda muddy together. The third minute in general has a really nice melody and is well-put together much like the 2nd...but much like the second minute, I'm not entirely sure it'd be of a detriment to the track if they were half the length? It's not that what's happening isn't good, it's just that it kind of lingers in the same area before it begins to move somewhere else. Which isn't a totally bad thing, but for a 7-minute song it gets a little repetitive.
The changeover to the second track was nicely done, I probably wouldn't have guessed it was initially two tracks if you hadn't said in the comments. It's a nice change from what's come before, especially the drums at 5:35. They're pretty overpowering, but almost in a good way? The way they cut through the synth somehow makes for the good. The synth at 6:03 creates the variety needed again by that point, right then I was going to have said it needed something different...and lo! Synths came. So nice save, on that part. The new synth at 6:28 is also a nice touch for this.
In all, this was pretty well crafted. Some of the levels could do with a second look and I'd seriously consider either splitting the tracks back into two or shortening this track down to a more manageable length, but in general this was pretty cool. Keep it up.
-Review Request Club