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Review Request Club

Intro definitely could use a bit more punch to it, it just sounds like you're saying "uh" over and over for no real reason instead of introducing the song. Either make the beat a little heavier or put a little more punch into the vocals, 'cause the start does you a little disservice.

The vocal level is fine and sinks into the texture nicely, but the rhythm goes off on a few places, especially at the 0:40-0:45 mark. Something about either the lyrics or the delivery is throwing you off a little because the pace does get kind of interrupted at times, so I think a look at one or maybe both could be useful just to keep that pace more even.

Generally, that's the party line of most of the track; you've got some good lyrics, from what I can make out, but sometimes the syllable count is enough to throw the pace off which is way too noticeable and brings the sound down a lot, so working on the vocal rhythm would definitely be a point of improvement. Apart from that, you've got a nice solid backing and pretty good structure, you just need to work on the vox rhythm to make it sound a little tighter. Keep it up, though.

-Review Request Club

Sawdust responds:

Thanks, man! I seriously appreciate it.

Review Request Club

Very upbeat start, you've set up quite a fast pace but I guess that's pretty much what you want in a dance track xD Liked the little break into piano before the heavier section came back in at 0:25 again; was a nice little break from all that synth. You've got a lot of synths going on here, I think most generally work, the higher one at 0:50ish could have maybe done with being an octave lower because it did cut through the texture a fair bit and you've already got a fair bit going on. Even in the quiet sections you've got about 4 sounds going on.
I like the drum beat; it's quite simpole, but keeps changing up a little bit so it stays interesting and brings in each new section quite well.

By the 2nd minute I think your problem is by no means a lack of structural variety more than it is perhaps an overabundance of it. You change sections very often, though the fast pace is still the same. I think this could have done with some slower sections as well as fast ones with changing instrumentation.

In the same way, you've got a lot of synths, but perhaps a few too many that it gets a little overcomplicated, and the piano and 'chorus' synth are perhaps the only things typing everything together; without them you've just got a whole pile of synths together. One point to look at improvement would be maybe downsizing a little; cutting out a few unnecessary synths and working through the sections a little more. A slow more ambient section would probably be something of a reprieve in the middle as this is quite a fast track and you'd be quite tired if you'd danced for the whole thing xD. There's a lot of good in here, I think an editing ear just needs to be brought in to maybe take out a few things and give it more of a polished feel.

-Review Request Club

Review Request Club

One thing I'd say from the AC...if you need a vocalist, go find one! :P There's a whole lot of people on NG who probably wouldn't mind helping you out as long as you give them credit for it. It's a lot easier to visualise a song with vox in it...when they're actually there! xD But anyway, onto the track:

The beat's nice and solid; the bass could have done with being a little louder, maybe a lot louder (because what it'splaying is nice), but it's not that big of a deal. Generally the first 49 seconds for me go without complaint...it's the entry of the violin sound that gives me a few gripes for the 15 seconds or so it's playing; the harmonies it does kind of clash at points and generally it seems to do more harm than good. Either look at making the harmony more consonant, or maybe just making the violin a little quieter, because its entry is a little abrupt, dynamically.

I like the breaks you have between all the instruments, back down to the cello and piano, adding the drum beat in again...although the material you have is relatively little, you generally use it pretty well to pretty much avoid the repetition you would have had with everything playing throughout.

The second time the violin comes in, I've warmed to it a little, but it still seems a little out of place, though I can't really work out why. One thing that did confuse me to start with was the entrance of the electric guitar because you had that and the violin playing together and it sounded a little messy. However, once the violin leaves the guitar sounds pretty cool, I like the how the violin kind of comes back in through it; I think there, as a point of transition, it really does work well. Has a few kinds in the melody, but there worked well as a structural device.

The ending was a little overdrawn with the fadeout, I think, but in general this was pretty unrepetitive for a song that's meant to have vocals in it. So...get some vocals in it, if you can. xD Look at the levels of the bass, 'cause it generally has a sweet line that you can't quite hear, look at the levels of the violin and maybe making that melody a little smoother, but in all it's a pretty solid track for a first go. Nicely done.

-Review Request Club

Herdunculus responds:

Thanks so much for your review! Nice information and all that. Great advice. I will be sure to fix up this song in the future!

Review Request Club

Interesting introduction; I like way the guitar is kind of lopsidedly accompanying the bass beat, definitely gives it a pretty cool feel right from the off, so nice choice of beat, there.

When the lyrics come in they flow really well with the music; generally your diction's clear enough to work out the lyrics just from the audio but I think it probably would be an idea to type them out in the AC just to give people a chance to be able to read through them. Generally though, the lyrics seemed pretty cool and your voice didn't seem to force the words out, which is always a good sign.

I liked the kind of vocal break at 1:11 into the more effect-driven vox, but it was a shame to find that that was the end of the track. I'd say you should definitely consider extending this song, because what you've got here seems pretty good; nice beat which mixes with the vocals, good rhythm to it...I think for the next section it maybe could have done with a little more percussion because it was slightly lacking here, but in general you've got the foundations of a good track. Just need to finish it off!

-Review Request Club

Review Request Club

Nice piano intro; sets off quite a brilliant pace to start with which seems to only speed up as the track progresses a little further. I think the "BooTss" beat works really well given the ferocity of the pace; a more heavy, generic drum beat would have weighed what is a relatively light melody line all the way down quite quickly.

The complexity of the melody works really well in your favour, because while you repepat it a lot, the repetitions in themselves are fewer and far between just given the sheer length of the loop itself, so it doesn't drag like it may have done with a shorter loop. Not only that, but you have breaks such as the one at 1:30ish which act as a break between the melody, but itself has a really complex melody, complete with pretty kickass pitchbends and harmony changes. When the piano comes in at 2:32 you even have a third melody coming in, which just adds to the variety more and acts as a nice transition into the main theme again. Basically, you keep it varied throughout and that's always a major plus.

Love the ending how everything kind of winds down, kind of makes me imagine as if someone was playing this on a music box as fast as they can, and as the song finished they were just exhausted, winding as slowly as they could get away with, bending all the pitches down as they went due to the decreasing speed. Brilliant melodic atrophy, there.

Catchy tune, lots of variety...what more can you want? Really good work, here.

-Review Request Club

Review Request Club

Nice opening melody; it's pretty long, although essentially is the same thing repeated twice; you probably could avoid repetition by just changing a note in the second half of the melody and making the loop feel twice as long.

There's a nice bunch of synths, though it sounds like it gets a lot quieter 1:00-1:12 for no reason; as if you just turned the volume knob down a little, which was a little weird. It was probably done to keep up the variety? But it just sounds like an accident, to be frank. As well as that, by 1:30 the initial melody did feel quite stale. If you're going to carry a melody for that long without any pause, you need to change the backing synth up a lot more, or change the synth itself, just to keep the variety up more. You do that at around the 2 minute mark, but as you've already have 120 seconds of the same thing, it feels drag-y even if it is relatively interesting when compared to the rest of the track.

An easy way to fix this would be to have a second melody, so you could change between the two and have different sections of the song. Another could be to have a slower, more ambient section with pad synths, or taking out and putting in more synths in transitions. For a third submission, this is alright. But you still have to get variety down, in the melodic or structural way (maybe even both), before your tracks can start getting really polished. Keep it up, though.

-Review Request Club

Review Request Club

Nice introduction with the voices! I like how there were different parts of the vocals seemingly within each side of the stereo; or at least the 'oh, yeah' seemed to come from the left in these crappy headphones. The synths as well had a nice sense of buildup at the start, and the kind that's subtle enough that you don't actively hear it, but prominent enough that you get to 40 second of having heard the same thing and realise you haven't found it repetitive, so nicely done there.

The vocal slicing in general by 1:00 onwards is really cool, and adds a bit more of a rhythmic aspect in as well, with the start of the sample becoming a kind of stuttered 'are' sound. The pitchbends at 1:52 were a really nice touch, and by 2:02 you've messed with the original melody to make it sound pretty new-sounding, even though it's gone through pretty much the entire track. The same with the vocals, you've done a lot of effects to it as well as none at all, which makes it sound far more varied than it should, given what small source materials you have.

In general, you had a nice variety with the vocals and the synths. One place to work on would be the drums, as they were quiet quiet and didn't really play half the role they could have done in the track. All in all though, it's quite a solid piece of music.

-Review Request Club

I-Saved-The-World responds:

Thanks for the review :) It was really hard for me to make the drums work, since it was so limited. i should have spent more time on them. I spent most of my time on the synths. xD

Review Request Club

Good intro, you start off with a pretty fast pace and introduce a fair few synths early, which is always a good sign; you could have maybe had a slower buildup, but its fine as it is. You've got a really nice bass sound, which is always good; nothing more annoying than a good track wrecked by a lack of low frequencies.

The drum's pretty muted, but still serves its purpose pretty well, and you can hear it well enough to work out the beat from it. The light automation on the synth at 0:53 was cool, cooler still was the drop at 0:59; a little unexpected, but cool all the same. However, I think the section it goes into was perhaps a little unrelated to what came before it. Not that the section in itself was at all bad, quite the contrary; it had a nice atmosphere to it, I just think it drew a few too many contrasts with what came before.

The cohesion there I think could have been a little tighter than it was. And again, the cutout back into the old section at 1:31 was a little abrupt; the pace changes a little too frequently, although the way you keep variety up is in principle nicely done; you've got a lot of different melodies and beats to work with, though at points it did feel like you just cookie-cuttered them side by side to try and keep the variety up without thinking about how they would flow together. You've got the foundations of a good song and the fact you've got the variety in is always good; better to have too much variety than too little, as the former is far more fixable. Just try and make the transitions a little smoother and the sections a little more cohesive with eachother and you'll be fine.

-Review Request Club

Somnocyde responds:

Damn! that was Definitely the most helpful Review I've ever gotten. I'll admit, the EQ was way off, but I've corrected that in my more recent projects. Also, I'll definitely keep transitions in mind from now on. Thanks so much! <>,..,<>RAWR

Review Request Club

I like the little breaks of silence you have in a few places; it's an interesting form of transitions, but it works really well. If anything, you could probably get away with having a few more.

The drums are also quite unique; you've got the basic sounds there, but they're all slightly manipulated to give them that rough feeling around the edges; the cymbals are a little glitched up, the toms almost seem pitched...and that lasts up to the second silence transition at 0:57, where they kind of 'straighten out' again, for want of a better phrase. And oddly enough, that slight change in drum sound is enough to keep both sections sounding different, even though the melody of both sides is quite similar.

The main melody stays essentially the same throughout, but you've got a lot of automation on it to give it that variety, as well as slightly changing up the beat below it which keeps it sounding fresh. it'd be interesting to see what this would sound like with the intended vocals on it (Just bug Coop lots :P), whether this would act purely as an accompaniment or whether the synth melody would play more of a part in it. Even without the vocals, this pretty much stands up by itself, which is a very good sign, and obviously shows all Coop needs to do is...record something xD And this as a completed track would be fine. Really nicely done, over all.

-Review Request Club

Mans0n responds:

Thanks for the feedback :) your reviews are always awesome.

Not much to say...I like writing music, hoping to improve a lot on that front. I like reviewing things, as I'm far too opinionated not to. I'm amazingly awkward as a person. But all in all, I mean well. (:


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