Review Request Club
I like the little breaks of silence you have in a few places; it's an interesting form of transitions, but it works really well. If anything, you could probably get away with having a few more.
The drums are also quite unique; you've got the basic sounds there, but they're all slightly manipulated to give them that rough feeling around the edges; the cymbals are a little glitched up, the toms almost seem pitched...and that lasts up to the second silence transition at 0:57, where they kind of 'straighten out' again, for want of a better phrase. And oddly enough, that slight change in drum sound is enough to keep both sections sounding different, even though the melody of both sides is quite similar.
The main melody stays essentially the same throughout, but you've got a lot of automation on it to give it that variety, as well as slightly changing up the beat below it which keeps it sounding fresh. it'd be interesting to see what this would sound like with the intended vocals on it (Just bug Coop lots :P), whether this would act purely as an accompaniment or whether the synth melody would play more of a part in it. Even without the vocals, this pretty much stands up by itself, which is a very good sign, and obviously shows all Coop needs to do is...record something xD And this as a completed track would be fine. Really nicely done, over all.
-Review Request Club