Review Request Club
You've got a nice introduction, but I don't think it relates very well to the section after, to the point where I think you'd probably be better off without it, as the entrance of the snares is quite emphatic in itself, and doesn't need that introduction. You'd start off with more of a bang without it.
That being said, you've got a really nice first section, but everything feels quite distant? I think some of the instruments could have been brought out of the texture more to give more of an intensity to it, because you've set quite a ferocious pace, but everything is kind of lurking in the background, so it sort of feels like a scout has just started to see the enemy lines, as opposed to the armies lining up for battle, for example. Just bring something out a little more to sharpen that texture.
As a heroic theme, I think this does work, because you've got some nice warm strings and a lot of texture going on there, I really like the section between 1:00 and 2:00ish where the drums get a lot bassier again and it's just the low strings and wind instruments, there it feels quite serene, but emphatic at the same time; as if there is peace, but it's hard won at that. And the re-entrance of the strings at 2:18 does feel very emotional. Definitely works as a hero theme. far as the 'action' part goes, apart from what I've already said, I think you need a few more rhythmic aspects in this to give it a more intense action-y edge. So this could be...more drums, or have your snare drum be more prominent than it is, or string parts which aren't just long sustained NG example I can think of is "Entering the Stronghold", which has a lot of rhythmic aspects and definitely has an action-like theme to it; lots of percussion and pretty rhythmic strings. On top of that, you could have more of a buildup; make the listener think that something big is about to happen, and then have some kind of louder section nearer the end to signify the action itself.
The outro I thought was a bit weird; again, sort of unrelated to the rest of the song, as the intro was, but ironically you did have the beginnings of a nice drum beat there; if that extended into perhaps a heavier section, I think this could definitely work as a piece, with this being the more heroic themes and the next section being more action oriented.
In general, you've got some nice sounds and a lot of atmosphere, definitely hit the heroic mark, missed a little on the action front...but what you have thus far has a great amount of feeling to it, so you're definitely in the right direction. Take a second look at the intro and outro and I think this would be more than fine as a track.
-Review Request Club