Great instrumentation
Having listened to it all the way through, I'll say a preface: This is really cool. It's got a lot of nice changes in instrumentation, and the development of the melody throughout is in general very well done. Bit by bit, here's some things I wanted to point out:
The silence at 0:16 seems to abrupt. The start before it is nice and majestic and gives you the idea that it was worth clicking onto this song, but the way everything cuts out just for that brief moment, even though everything starts coming back in almost instantly at 0:17, felt a little excessive.
That being said, the next 20 seconds I really enjoyed. Good buildup from the 0:23 mark, the brass melody's nicely done.
I loved the chord change at 0:45 but was a little skeptical of the one at 0:49. But as it and the main themes kept going, it grew on me a lot more. And now I can't get it out of my head. Which is both awesome and mildly irritating as I keep wanting to stop typing so I can hear it again.
The flute at 0:55 has a really nice sound, and again the music goes on for its awesomeness for a long time.
1:18-1:20, the silence again is too much. It almost feels like an extra fadeout has been added into it, and it just seems out of place. It needs...anything else just so it doesn't go from this lovely thick texture to absolutely nothing and back again.
On first hearing of 1:38 where the instruments kind of trail off, I was skeptical, but when everything comes back in at 1:43, it's a really effective change of textures. The percussion, especially, is a nice touch.
The string entrance at 2:08 is wonderfully subtle, as is the brass at 2:17. Can't fault them.
The sole thing that really truly irked me about this piece was the harp glissando at 2:21. Was too loud, felt out of place, felt like you wouldn't have done the piece any harm if you'd taken it out completely. I don't know, I just didn't like it at all. TO be somewhat ranting about it.
I like the slowdown at the end, but again..the final chord seems a little off. Like it needs an extra bit of cadence just to bring the piece to a good halting place.
In all, this is a cool piece. There's a few things that maybe could use a second look, but in general it's verifiably awesome.
And yes, 0-bombers are a ridiculous pain. But judging by this, they're probably just jealous.